Monday, November 8, 2010

Thirty something going on 12

I was in a strange mood last night and this mani was the result.  It looks like a manicure for a 12 year old.  Sparkly fuchsia with a pink Unicorn.  It’s a lot brighter in real life.  My camera didn’t want to cooperate.  Anyway, this brings back the days of grade school and Friday nights at the roller skating rink, Unicorn stickers and Trapper Keepers.  Ahhhhh.... good times.

Nails - (Sinful Colors) Forget Now
Design - (KSP) Pastel Pink (IP) m28


  1. Hee! I remember Trapper Keepers. :)

  2. There is nothing quite like the sound of the Velcro closure on a Trapper Keeper being pulled open. Hahahahahaaaaa!

  3. Oh Em GEE! This manicure really takes me back there as well. I'm loving how you just embraced the color with the unicorn addition. Its just amazing.
